It is time for a change! Celebrating 10 years of being a quiet leader in Jamaica’s motorcycle safety training space, Jamaica’s Back to Basics Motorcycle Safety Mission is preparing a major ‘anniversary’ shift. Some successes in the first decade include profound reductions in injuries with millions of kilometers ridden among commercial motorcyclists, triggering major changes in national policy direction on motorcycle usage, and inspiring national helmet safety programs.

We can’t help but smile, meditate, and reflect. Back in 2015, the sudden momentum of our community motorcycle safety efforts attracted BTB’s first paying commercial client. The road for the 10 years that followed has been interesting. However, our greatest impact has been much more than commercial clients and dollars and sense. 

In 2016, a newly minted Jamaican government was hellbent on outright banning nearly all motorcycle usage. “All motorcycles below 500cc were to be banned. Motorbikes above 699cc were already ‘temporarily’ banned…30 years ago!” Tarik Zawdie commented humorously. “They had this new bike-ban-plan in writing! And there was really no accessible motorcycle safety training whatsoever. Yet, BTB went ahead and innovated…rather than just talking or protesting.” 

The Zawdie Business Ventures (ZBV) mantra is that nothing beats entrepreneurs getting hands-on and doing. In planning a major 10-year anniversary pivot, that mantra holds firm and true.

As we step into 2025, the world is still relatively unaware just how advanced BTB has become in its use of technology, algorithms, proprietary games, teamwork, and its deep understanding of the science of making motorcyclists and groups safer. “We are far ahead. It’s not a slight difference. And it feels like a good time for more audiences to experience the benefits of BTB,” Tarik Zawdie commented. 

BTB promises more on this soon: New services, new brands, new partners, new adventures, new tools, new website, and an audaciously bigger vision. 

Ride safe. Stay Safe!

Ready to do business?

Find a copy of the Jamaican government’s original plans here (on page 10), available directly from the Cabinet website:

Or in case they accidentally lose that copy, you can find it here:

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